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Dragon Fossils

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Dragon Fosils! - A newsletter from the Museum of Anomalous Antiquities reveals stunning archeological finds in deepest Wales. Dr. Simon Tempest George, the museum's curator and director, says the excavation of the site has revealed what are believed to be dragon bones. Dragon Bones Resin Wall Plaques Each piece comes packed in a real wooden crate, with a newsletter from the Museum of Anomalous Antiquities and newspaper clipping, telling of the discovery of Dragon bones. The first five hundred pieces of every design will have a limited edition collectors coin inset and certificate. coin.jpg - 8.90 K
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DF001 Draco-Inviolatus Evidence points to this branch of the family being ground dwellers, walking on all fours, and spending little time in the air. The 'inviolatus' specimens have been mainly found in the sub-terainian levels, in family groups with sizes ranging from 10cm long to almost 3 metres in length. As with all dragonkind the caves where they lived were found to be heavily laiden with gold. 350mm x 220mm £60/$135
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DF002 Draco-Aureus The Golden Dragon, this amazing speci is found in the highest reaches of the cave systems. To date the only speci which has exhibited a pairing trait, as each cave has always contained two fossils. Carbon dating has established close death times suggesting a strong bond, and that they paired for life. Largest found 1 metre 21cm. £48/$113
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DF006 Draco-Diabolus This is another of the dangerous African dracos. No 'diabolus' fossils have been found within miles of another one, and consequently are a much rarer find, this suggests a strong territorial instinct. Many fossils have deep gouges across their bones, which we guess were probably caused whilst defending their territory against others of their speci. Largest found 10 metres. 267mm x 164mm £42/$102
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DF009 Draco-Ignuis "The Fire Dragon" - The Fire Dragon, the most well documented and 'classical' of all our speci. This is the creature of legend. Bones have been found all over the world, and it is thought that the Ignuis was the absolute Apex predator, with nothing that hunted it. Although legend disproves this with many chivilrous tales, of course they are only legends. Therefore the Fire Dragon's diet would have been extremely diverse, crystals and precious stones are often found in the stomach of the fossil, and it is supposed these were there as a grinding aid to digestion! Largest bone found would have been from a creature in excess of 35 meters. £119/$245
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DF010 Draco-Gemma and Draco-Innoceus - Amongst some of our researchers it is believed that this pair of Dragonettes lived in community groups, interbreeding, as so many slight variations in scale and horn appear. Often found with or near crystals, these may be treasures brought as part of courtship, or as others think, jewels over which they fought. Gemma is named after the jewels as this speciis always found nearer. Another possibility is that one of these is male and one female, with quite different physiology. £48/$113
¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`*Dragons Fire*·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯
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